Sunday, December 3, 2017

Over-Eating "Allowed" Foods

Because you're keeping your carbs low (anywhere between 50 to 100 grams, depending on your exercise level), you may find yourself reaching for more of the macronutrients you don't have to restrict: Protein and fat. That often means overdoing it on the meat and cheese, which can not only have health risks—it also means you may gain weight, as these foods contain a lot of calories.

So, going low-carb isn't a license to eat as much of these foods as you want. Rather, follow the low-carb food pyramid to find the optimal amount of macronutrients for you and let your appetite be your guide; eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are comfortable.

My Comments on this:  I've found myself falling for this and it may be one of the reasons I only lost 3 lbs. in 3 weeks.  I'm having a hard time balancing my 60-70 carbs and 80-90 protein intake.  I've found that when I enter my daily food on MyFitnessPal I go high on carbs when I've eaten fruit, which is important to our diets.  I try not to over eat in the protein department but find that I'm sometimes lacking because protein actually fills me up quicker than most other foods.  This is still a balancing act for me but I'll start paying more attention to the Low Carb Food Pyramid in my meal planning.

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